Monday, January 18, 2010


After rereading my earlier posting I have decided that I should not try to type without my glasses, especially when I am in a hurry. Oops. I really do know Newt Gingrich's name and I can usually manage to spell even 7 letter words. I was just brain dead earlier. I guess that is still partly because of my recent hospitalization and too many new drugs. Oh well. I will try to do better in the future.

I was watching the news this evening and once again I noticed that the field reporters always manage to pick the dumbest person in the crowd to interview. He picked a pro-choice advocate in Houston. The brilliant statement out of her mouth was, that pro-life people want planned parenthood closed down because they don't believe in healthcare for woman. Okay. Could someone take this moron aside and explain the purpose of the protest. Poor misguided soul actually thinks this is about denying healthcare. GAD! I pray for strength to live in the same world with these idiots.

Do you think they will ever get it? It seems that the Dems have dumbed down their followers for so long that this makes sense to most of them. When you hear one Dem. you have heard them all. They recite out of the same book and repeat the same words. It get very discouraging trying to talk sense to people who just DON'T GET IT!Maybe in time they might see the light once the hypnosis wears off.

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