Monday, January 18, 2010

Massachusetts vote on Tue

I hope every American who is not happy with the results of the past year will go out and vote on Tue and elect Scott Brown their new Senator.It is time for those of us who love and care about our Constitution to take a stand and get rid of these liberals who are systematically destroying the fabric of our country. For reasons known only to them, they have taken on a mission to ruin the very way of life that has made America special throughout the world.Our next mission in Mass. needs to be getting rid of Barney Frank. This man who has caused a great deal of the financial meltdown in the housing market, yet he maintains his position in the house. He needs to be looking for another job, and the sooner the better.
Let's hope that Scott Brown can win by a large enough margin the liberals will have a hard time stealing this election. It was a little too easy for them in the Coleman/Frankin election to take that one away.
I'm really pleased to see that our "born again" Christian president, you know, the one who believed in God and had Jesus for his personal savior(long enough to get some Christian votes) went to church yesterday. Hooray to that! What is that? Two times, or three that he has been to church in the year he has been President?I think you can really judge his commitment to God by his regular attendence at church, and two or three times says it all.
So, go out Tue, Mass. residents. Take back your country starting by electing a Republican to the Senate.The nation is watching what happens there.

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