Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Wise message from Ben Stein

The following was written by Ben Stein and recited by him on CBS Sunday Morning Commentary.

My confession:

I am a Jew, and every single one of my ancestors was Jewish. And it does not bother me
even a little bit when people call those beautiful lit up, bejeweled trees,
Christmas trees. I don't feel threatened. I don't feel discriminated against.
That's what they are, Christmas trees.

It doesn't bother me a bit when people say, 'Merry Christmas' to me. I don't think they are slighting me or
getting ready to put me in a ghetto. In fact, I kind of like it. It shows that
we are all brothers and sisters celebrating this happy time of year. It doesn't
bother me at all that there is a manger scene on display at a key intersection
near my beach house in Malibu . If people want a creche, it's just as fine
with me as is the Menorah a few hundred yards

I don't like getting pushed around for being a Jew, and I don't think Christians like getting
pushed around for being Christians. I think people who believe in God are sick
and tired of getting pushed around, period. I have no idea where the concept
came from, that America is an explicitly atheist country. I can't find it in
theConstitution and I don't like it being shoved down my throat.

Or maybe I can put it another way: where did the idea come from that we should
worship celebrities and we aren't allowed to worship God as we understand Him?
I guess that's a sign that I'm getting old, too. But there are a lot of us who
are wondering where these celebrities came from and where the America we knew
went to.

In light of the many jokes we send to one another for a laugh, this is a little different: This is not intended to be a joke; it's not funny,
it's intended to get you thinking.

Billy Graham's daughter was interviewed on the Early Show andJane Clayson asked her 'How could God let
something like this happen?' (regarding Hurricane Katrina). Anne Graham gave an
extremely profound and insightful response. She said, 'I believe God is deeply
saddened by this, just as we are, but for years we've been telling God to get
out of our schools, to get out of our government and to get out of our lives.
And being the gentleman He is, I believe He has calmly backed out. How can we
expect God to give us His blessing and His protection if we demand He leave us

In light of recent events... terrorists attack, school shootings, etc. I think it started when Madeleine Murray O'Hare (she was
murdered, her body found a few years ago) complained she didn't want prayer in
our schools, and we said OK. Then someone said you better not read the Bible in
school. The Bible says thou shalt not kill; thou shalt not steal, and love your
neighbor as yourself. And we said OK.

Then Dr. Benjamin Spock said we shouldn't spank our children when they misbehave, because their little
personalities would be warped and we might damage their self-esteem (Dr. Spock's
son committed suicide). We said an expert should know what he's talking about.
And we said okay.

Now we're asking ourselves why our children have no conscience, why they don't know right from wrong, and why it doesn't bother them
to kill strangers, their classmates, and themselves.

Probably, if we think about it long and hard enough, we can figure it out. I think it has a
great deal to do with 'WE REAP WHAT WE SOW.'

Funny how simple it is for people to trash God and then wonder why the world's going to hell. Funny how we
believe what the newspapers say, but question what the Bible says. Funny how
you can send 'jokes' through e-mail and they spread like wildfire, but when you
start sending messages regarding the Lord, people think twice about sharing.
Funny how lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene articles pass freely through
cyberspace, but public discussion of God is suppressed in the school and

Are you laughing yet?

Funny how when you forward this message, you will not send it to many on your address list
because you're not sure what they believe, or what they will think of you for
sending it.

Funny how we can be more worried about what other people think of us than what God thinks of

Pass it on if you think it has merit.

If not, then just discard it... no one will know you did. But, if you discard this thought process, don't sit back and complain about
what bad shape the world is in.

My Best Regards, Honestly and respectfully,
Ben Stein

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Wall Street Journal Sizes up Obama

They've Got Him Figured Out

A short article from the Wall Street Journal that needs to be read by every level headed American!!!

A "deadly" article regarding Obama, at the Wall Street Journal, which today is the most widely circulated newspaper in America .

Article from the Wall Street Journal - by Eddie Sessions:

"I have this theory about Barack Obama. I think he's led a kind of make-believe life in which money was provided and doors were opened because at some point early on somebody or some group took a look at this tall, good looking, half-white, half-black, young man with an exotic African/Muslim name and concluded he could be guided toward a life in politics where his facile speaking skills could even put him in the White House.

In a very real way, he has been a young man in a very big hurry. Who else do you know has written two memoirs before the age of 45? "Dreams of My Father" was published in 1995 when he was only 34 years old. The "Audacity of Hope" followed in 2006. If, indeed, he did write them himself. There are some who think that his mentor and friend, Bill Ayers, a man who calls himself a "communist with a small 'c'" was the real author.

His political skills consisted of rarely voting on anything that might be deemed controversial. He went from a legislator in the Illinois legislature to the Senator from that state because he had the good fortune of having Mayor Daley's formidable political machine at his disposal.

He was in the U.S. Senate so briefly that his bid for the presidency was either an act of astonishing self-confidence or part of some greater game plan that had been determined before he first stepped foot in the Capital. How, many must wonder, was he selected to be a 2004 keynote speaker at the Democrat convention that nominated John Kerry when virtually no one had ever even heard of him before?

He outmaneuvered Hillary Clinton in primaries. He took Iowa by storm. A charming young man, an anomaly in the state with a very small black population, he oozed "cool" in a place where agriculture was the antithesis of cool. He dazzled the locals. And he had an army of volunteers drawn to a charisma that hid any real substance.

And then he had the great good fortune of having the Republicans select one of the most inept candidates for the presidency since Bob Dole. And then John McCain did something crazy. He picked Sarah Palin, an unknown female governor from the very distant state of Alaska . It was a ticket that was reminiscent of 1984's Walter Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro and they went down to defeat.

The mainstream political media fell in love with him. It was a schoolgirl crush with febrile commentators like Chris Mathews swooning then and now over the man. The venom directed against McCain and, in particular, Palin, was extraordinary.

Now, nearly a full year into his first term, all of those gilded years leading up to the White House have left him unprepared to be President. Left to his own instincts, he has a talent for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. It swiftly became a joke that he could not deliver even the briefest of statements without the ever-present Tele-Prompters.

Far worse, however, is his capacity to want to "wish away" some terrible realities, not the least of which is the Islamist intention to destroy America and enslave the West. Any student of history knows how swiftly Islam initially spread. It knocked on the doors of Europe, having gained a foothold in Spain .

The great crowds that greeted him at home or on his campaign "world tour" were no substitute for having even the slightest grasp of history and the reality of a world filled with really bad people with really bad intentions.

Oddly and perhaps even inevitably, his political experience, a cakewalk, has positioned him to destroy the Democrat Party's hold on power in Congress because in the end it was never about the Party. It was always about his communist ideology, learned at an early age from family, mentors, college professors, and extreme leftist friends and colleagues.

Obama is a man who could deliver a snap judgment about a Boston police officer who arrested an "obstreperous" Harvard professor-friend, but would warn Americans against "jumping to conclusions" about a mass murderer at Fort Hood who shouted "Allahu Akbar." The absurdity of that was lost on no one. He has since compounded this by calling the Christmas bomber "an isolated extremist" only to have to admit a day or two later that he was part of an al Qaeda plot.

He is a man who could strive to close down our detention facility at Guantanamo even though those released were known to have returned to the battlefield against America . He could even instruct his Attorney General to afford the perpetrator of 9/11 a civil trial when no one else would ever even consider such an obscenity. And he is a man who could wait three days before having anything to say about the perpetrator of yet another terrorist attack on Americans and then have to elaborate on his remarks the following day because his first statement was so lame.

The pattern repeats itself. He either blames any problem on the Bush administration or he naively seeks to wish away the truth.

Knock, knock. Anyone home? Anyone there? Barack Obama exists only as the sock puppet of his handlers, of the people who have maneuvered and manufactured this pathetic individual's life.

When anyone else would quickly and easily produce a birth certificate, this man has spent over a million dollars to deny access to his. Most other documents, the paper trail we all leave in our wake, have been sequestered from review. He has lived a make-believe life whose true facts remain hidden.

We laugh at the ventriloquist's dummy, but what do you do when the dummy is President of the United States of America ?"

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Moving to Mexico

Dear President Obama:
I'm planning to move my family and extended family into Mexico for my health, and I would like to ask you to assist me.

We're planning to simply walk across the border from the U.S. Into Mexico, and we'll need your help to make a few arrangements.

We plan to skip all the legal stuff like visas, passports, immigration quotas and laws.

I'm sure they handle those things the same way you do here. So, would you mind telling your buddy, President Calderon, that I'm on my way over?

Please let him know that I will be expecting the following:

1. Free medical care for my entire family.

2. English-speaking government bureaucrats for all services I might need, whether I use them or not.

3. Please print all Mexican government forms in English.

4. I want my grandkids to be taught Spanish by English-speaking (bi-lingual) teachers.

5. Tell their schools they need to include classes on American culture and history.

6. I want my grandkids to see the American flag on one of the flag poles at their school.

7. Please plan to feed my grandkids at school for both breakfast and lunch.

8. I will need a local Mexican driver's license so I can get easy access to government services.

9. I do plan to get a car and drive in Mexico , but, I don't plan to purchase car insurance, and I probably won't make any special effort to learn local traffic laws.

10. In case one of the Mexican police officers does not get the memo from their president to leave me alone, please be sure that every patrol car has at least one English-speaking officer.

11. I plan to fly the U.S. Flag from my house top, put U S. Flag decals on my car, and have a gigantic celebration on July 4th. I do not want any complaints or negative comments from the locals.

12. I would also like to have a nice job without paying any taxes, or have any labor or tax laws enforced on any business I may start.

13. Please have the president tell all the Mexican people to be extremely nice and never say critical things about me or my family, or about the strain we might place on their economy.

14. I want to receive free food stamps.

15. Naturally, I'll expect free rent subsidies.

16. I'll need Income tax credits so that although I don't pay Mexican Taxes, I'll receive money from the government.

17. Please arrange it so that the Mexican Gov't pays $4,500 to help me buy a new car.

18. Oh yes, I almost forgot, please enroll me free into the Mexican Social Security program so that I'll get a monthly income in retirement.

I know this is an easy request because you already do all these things for all his people who walk over to the U.S. From Mexico . I am sure that President Calderon won't mind returning the favor if you ask him nicely.

Thank you so much for your kind help.

You're the man!!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

submission from asamom.org

Let me see if I got this right...








· - IF YOU CROSS THE U.S. BORDER ILLEGALLY YOU GET................................

1 - A JOB



Which side of the fence do you sit on?

If you ever wondered what side of the fence you sit on, this is a great test! Lot of truth here!

If a conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one.
If a liberal doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.

If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat.
If a liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.

If a conservative is homosexual, he quietly leads his life.
If a liberal is homosexual, he demands legislated, special treatment.

If a conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.
A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.

If a conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels.
Liberals demand that those they don't like be shut down.

If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church.
A liberal non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced. (Unless it's a foreign religion, of course!)

If a conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it.
A liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his.

If a conservative reads this, he'll forward it so his friends can have a good laugh.
A liberal will delete it because he's "offended."

Billy Cooper
Life is a coin,
you can spend it anyway you wish,
but you can only spend it once.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Open letter to Obama

Mr. President,
I heard you bloviating about how "amused" you are by us. We should THANK you for lower taxes, not protest. You mock and belittle, then want gratitude in return. We have no right protesting Gov't spending, if we use Social Security, Medicare or free schools. So that's it? Welfare-state benefits in return for silence? Tax-up employers who lay us off, raise insur. premiums, cut paychecks, and we should feel a tingle up our legs? Our grandkids have debt for life, and you want us purring like kittens? Social Security taken from paychecks, now it collapses; you ram thru unwanted Bills, consort with Union-Kings, extol despots, betray our friends; secret deals, bribes, and you want unquestioning compliance?
I know you don't get it, no idea where we're coming from. Just tax the "rich" and tame the peons. We won't notice when the rich pass their costs on to us. We should just lick your fingers like dutiful dogs as you hand us our opiate-freebies. We won't notice fees, fines, penalties, and new mandates imposed. Connive to make us more reliant on gov't, expect us to stand idly by while our society becomes lazier, unmotivated and dependant. Freedoms are beguiled from us in exchange for fallacious "security". How ungrateful.
Maybe you're right. We MIGHT one day surrender, passively wait in lines waiting for "Obama" money instead of working. We might add people to the Welfare system, bleed the middle class dry, leave only the impoverished "us" and the generous, superior "you" in ever-burgeoning, surf-lord relationships. We may decide it easier to play the two-bit mistress-whore, take a free apartment, shut our mouths; Better to be fat and safe, than struggling and free.
That day may come. But this is not that day. This day we will resist you, your social-seductions and soul-numbing bourgeois-mentality. This day we will educate ourselves with the Constitution and the original (only valid) Bill of Rights. This day we choose freedom and liberty over your security, and this day we speak out. If we lose, we will rise again. And if we lose again, we will keep rising.
You don't understand us, because you never knew us. Be amused, Mr. President, your distain for us is obvious; but I am not amused by you. Above all men, you are to be pitied. You will see us again.

A mother, a grandmother, and a relentless patriot,
Debbie K

Friday, April 16, 2010

AARP is not for me

AARP'S FALL FROM GRACE Wow, well written.

Subject: AARP

I find this very interesting reading, so let's keep it going if
you agree. It only takes a few days on the Internet and this will have
reached 75% of the public in the U.S.A. Seniors need to stand up for
what is right, not what the politicians want or big Corporations want.
The disillusionment on the Internet is becoming increasingly repetitive
- the country's backbone is waking up. Will they listen? Or do we have
to embrace the radicals she mentions?

This was sent to Mr. Barry Rand who is the Executive Director of AARP.


Dear Mr. Rand,
Recently you sent us a letter encouraging us to renew our lapsed
membership in AARP by the requested date. I know it is not what you were
looking for, but this is the most honest response I can give you. Our
gap in coverage is merely a microscopic symptom of the real problem, a
deepening lack of faith.
While we have proudly maintained our membership for several years and
have long admired the AARP goals and principles, regrettably, we can no
longer endorse it's abdication of our values. Your letter specifically
stated that we can count on AARP to speak up for our rights, yet the
voice we hear is not ours. Your offer of being kept up to date on
important issues through DIVIDED WE FAIL presents neither an impartial
view nor the one we have come to embrace. We do believe that when two
parties agree all the time on everything presented to them, one is
probably not necessary. But, when the opinions and long term goals are
diametrically opposed, the divorce is imminent. This is the philosophy
which spawned our 200 years of government.
Once upon a time, we looked forward to being part of the senior
demographic. We also looked to AARP to provide certain benefits and give
our voice a power we could not possibly hope to achieve on our own. AARP
gave us a sense of belonging which we no longer enjoy. The Socialist
politics practiced by the Obama administration and empowered by AARP
serves only to raise the blood pressure my medical insurance strives to
contain. Clearly a conflict of interest there!
We do not understand the AARP posture, feel greatly betrayed by the
guiding forces that we expected to map out our senior years and leave
your ranks with a great sense of regret. We mitigate that disappointment
with the relief of knowing that we are not contributing to the problem
anymore by renewing our membership. There are numerous other
organizations which offer discounts without threatening our way of life
or offending our sensibilities.
This Presidential Administration scares the living daylights out of us.
Not just for ourselves, but for our proud and bloodstained heritage. But
even more importantly for our children and grandchildren. Washington has
rendered Soylent Green a prophetic cautionary tale rather than a
nonfiction scare tactic. I have never in my life endorsed any militant
or radical groups, yet now I find myself listening to them. I don't have
to agree with them to appreciate the fear which birthed their existence.
Their borderline insanity presents little more than a balance to the
voice of the Socialist mindset in power. Perhaps I became American by a
great stroke of luck in some cosmic uterine lottery, but in my adulthood
I CHOOSE to embrace it and nurture the freedoms it represents as well as
the responsibilities it requires.
Your website generously offers us the opportunity to receive all
communication in Spanish. ARE YOU KIDDING??? Someone has broken into our
'house', invaded our home without our invitation or consent. The
President has insisted we keep the perpetrator in comfort and learn the
perp language so we can communicate our reluctant welcome to them.
I DON'T choose to welcome them.

I DON'T choose to support them.
I DON'T choose to educate them.
I DON'T choose to medicate them, pay for their food or clothing.
American home invaders get arrested.
Please explain to me why foreign lawbreakers can enjoy privileges on
American soil that Americans do not get?
Why do some immigrants have to play the game to be welcomed and others
only have to break & enter to be welcomed?
We travel for a living. Walt hauls horses all over this great country,
averaging over 10,000 miles a month when he is out there. He meets more
people than a politician on caffeine overdose. Of all the many good
folks he enjoyed on this last 10,000 miles, this trip yielded only ONE
supporter of the current administration. One of us is out of touch with
mainstream America . Since our poll is conducted without funding, I have
more faith in it than one which is power driven.
We have decided to forward this to everyone on our mailing list, and
will encourage them to do the same. With several hundred in my address
book, I have every faith that the eventual exponential factor will make
a credible statement to you.
I am disappointed as hell. I am scared as hell.
I am MAD as hell, and I'm NOT gonna take it anymore!

Walt & Cyndy Miller Farms Equine Transport

Thursday, April 15, 2010

A Truly Amazing Man

I don't know how many people are familiar with the name of Herman Cain. I had no idea who this man was until I saw him on Hannity. I saw him again this afternoon on Cavuto. He is a self made millionaire who owns Godfather's Pizza. He spoke of having stage 4 cancer a little over 3 years ago but now he is cancer free. I have never seen so much enthusiasm and a passion for America as this man generated.
He was very outspoken about his love of country and how he had the opportunity to rise to the top because of the belief in America you can do anything with hard work and freedom to create your own place in life. He built a very good business and has put many people to work. He is a DOER not a taker.
Obama is creating a TAKER generation where the work ethic is vanishing in lieu of getting handouts off the backs of hard workers like Herman Cain.
My hat is off to Mr. Cain and the wonderful blessing he is in this country. He is the message that YES YOU CAN if you do it for yourself and don't sit on your laurels while others do the hard hauling. He made himself a millionaire and I really resent that Obama wants to take money from him to pay people who are content to watch Mr. Cain work.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Truth about HealthCare Bill

The Truth About the Health Care Bills - Michael Connelly, Ret. Constitutional Attorney

Well, I have done it! I have read the entire text of proposed House Bill 3200: The Affordable Health Care Choices Act of 2009. I studied it with particular emphasis from my area of expertise, constitutional law. I was frankly concerned that parts of the proposed law that were being discussed might be unconstitutional. What I found was far worse than what I had heard or expected.

To begin with, much of what has been said about the law and its implications is in fact true, despite what the Democrats and the media are saying. The law does provide for rationing of health care, particularly where senior citizens and other classes of citizens are involved, free health care for illegal immigrants, free abortion services, and probably forced participation in abortions by members of the medical profession.

The Bill will also eventually force private insurance companies out of business, and put everyone into a government run system. All decisions about personal health care will ultimately be made by federal bureaucrats, and most of them will not be health care professionals. Hospital admissions, payments to physicians, and allocations of necessary medical devices will be strictly controlled by the government.

However, as scary as all of that is, it just scratches the surface. In fact, I have concluded that this legislation really has no intention of providing affordable health care choices. Instead it is a convenient cover for the most massive transfer of power to the Executive Branch of government that has ever occurred, or even been contemplated If this law or a similar one is adopted, major portions of the Constitution of the United States will effectively have been destroyed.

The first thing to go will be the masterfully crafted balance of power between the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of the U.S. Government. The Congress will be transferring to the Obama Administration authority in a number of different areas over the lives of the American people, and the businesses they own.

The irony is that the Congress doesn't have any authority to legislate in most of those areas to begin with! I defy anyone to read the text of the U.S. Constitution and find any authority granted to the members of Congress to regulate health care.

This legislation also provides for access, by the appointees of the Obama administration, of all of your personal healthcare direct violation of the specific provisions of the 4th Amendment to the Constitutioninformation, your personal financial information, and the information of your employer, physician, and hospital. All of this is a protecting against unreasonable searches and seizures. You can also forget about the right to privacy. That will have been legislated into oblivion regardless of what the 3rd and 4th Amendments may provide.

If you decide not to have healthcare insurance, or if you have private insurance that is not deemed acceptable to the Health Choices Administrator appointed by Obama, there will be a tax imposed on you. It is called a tax instead of a fine because of the intent to avoid application of the due process clause of the 5th Amendment. However , that doesn't work because since there is nothing in the law that allows you to contest or appeal the imposition of the tax, it is definitely depriving someone of property without the due process of law.

So, there are three of those pesky amendments that the far left hate so much, out the original ten in the Bill of Rights, that are effectively nullified by this law It doesn't stop there though.

The 9th Amendment that provides: The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people;

The 10th Amendment states: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are preserved to the States respectively, or to the people. Under the provisions of this piece of Congressional handiwork neither the people nor the states are going to have any rights or powers at all in many areas that once were theirs to control.

I could write many more pages about this legislation, but I think you get the idea. This is not about health care; it is about seizing power and limiting rights. Article 6 of the Constitution requires the members of both houses of Congress to "be bound by oath or affirmation to support the Constitution." If I was a member of Congress I would not be able to vote for this legislation or anything like it, without feeling I was violating that sacred oath or affirmation. If I voted for it anyway, I would hope the American people would hold me accountable.

For those who might doubt the nature of this threat, I suggest they consult the source, the US Constitution, and Bill of Rights. There you can see exactly what we are about to have taken from us.

Michael Connelly
Retired attorney,
Constitutional Law Instructor
Carrollton , Texas

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Rich Islamic American Heritage

Barack OBAMA, during his Cairo speech, said: "I know, too, that Islam has always been a part of America's story."


Dear Mr. Obama:
Were those Muslims that were in America when the Pilgrims first landed?
Funny, I thought they were Native American Indians.
Were those Muslims that celebrated the first Thanksgiving day? Sorry again, those were Pilgrims and Native American Indians.
Can you show me one Muslim signature on the United States Constitution?
Declaration of Independence? Bill of Rights? Didn't think so.

Did Muslims fight for this country's freedom from England? No.
Did Muslims fight during the Civil War to free the slaves in America? No,
they did not. In fact, Muslims to this day are still the largest traffickers in human slavery. Your own half brother, a devout Muslim, still advocates slavery himself, even though Muslims of Arabic descent refer to black Muslims as "pug nosed slaves." Says a lot of what the Muslim world really thinks
of your family's "rich Islamic heritage," doesn't it Mr. Obama?
Where were Muslims during the Civil Rights era of this country? Not
There are no pictures or media accounts of Muslims walking side by side with Martin Luther King, Jr. or helping to advance the cause of Civil Rights.
Where were Muslims during this country's Woman's Suffrage era? Again, not present. In fact, devout Muslims demand that women are subservient to men in the Islamic culture. So much so, that often they are beaten for not wearing the 'hajib' or for talking to a man who is not a direct family member or their husband. Yep, the Muslims are all for women's rights, aren't they?
Where were Muslims during World War II? They were aligned with Adolf
Hitler. The Muslim grand mufti himself met with Adolf Hitler, reviewed the troops and accepted support from the Nazi's in killing Jews.
Finally, Mr. Obama, where were Muslims on Sept. 11th, 2001? If they weren't flying planes into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon or a field in Pennsylvania killing nearly 3,000 people on our own soil, they were rejoicing in the Middle East. No one can dispute the pictures shown from all parts of the Muslim world celebrating on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC and other cable news networks that day. Strangely, the very "moderate" Muslims who's asses you
bent over backwards to kiss in Cairo, Egypt on June 4th were stone cold silent post 9-11.
To many Americans, their silence has meant approval for the acts of that
day. And THAT, Mr. Obama, is the "rich heritage" Muslims have here in America.
Oh, I'm sorry; I forgot to mention the Barbary Pirates. They were Muslim.

And now we can add November 5, 2009 - the slaughter of American soldiers at Fort Hood by a Muslim major who is a doctor and a psychiatrist who was supposed to be counseling soldiers returning from battle in Iraq and Afghanistan.
That, Mr. Obama, is the "Muslim heritage" in America