Monday, January 25, 2010

Where are the jobs?

When Obama took office the unemployment rate was nearing 8%. They all talked the big talk promising to create jobs and make that task their #1 priority.As Biden put it, the people want a three letter word J O B S. Good old Joe. Never a gaff he couldn't pull off with flare.

One year into Obama's term and the unemployment rate is now over 10 % and still rising. Where are those jobs that were to come out of the stimulus? The people are worried and getting more frustrated everyday.When you Dems campaign on making jobs a priorty you need to deliver.

Since Obama has taken office 3 million people have joined the unemployed in this country. That isn't counting those whose benefits have dried up, and the chronically unemployed have given up on finding a job.

Yet each day on the news the talking heads rave about how much Obama has done and all the jobs he has created. I believe the talking points today must have gotten their signals mixed because David Axelrod said 2 million jobs, Valerie Jarrett said thousands and thousands of jobs while Robert Gibbs said the count was over 1 1/2 million. Now which is it folks? You can't all be right. Frankly, counting people who weren't laid off isn't a new job!

Meanwhile, people are hurting, people can't meet their obligations, they can't pay their house payment and all we get is talk, talk talk. It's time you deliver on all the BIG promises you laid on us. Talk is cheap. It's time to man up and deliver.

Obama and the rest of the Dems are not listening to the people. You were voted into office because you were going to be different. Frankly, you are different. I wish we had Bush back. At least when Bush was President, we were safer, I personally had more money, fewer bills and more benefits.Now our future is bleak.

If the Dems don't pick it up and do the work they promised to do, they will be answered by the people at the polls. People are mad. You would be wise to wake up.

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