Monday, January 25, 2010

Great Orator

I can't get over the vision of Obama, standing in front of a classroom of sixth graders, giving a speech while using a teleprompter. Is there no limit? If this doesn't say it all about this man's ability to be the world's greatest living orator, I don't know what ever would.

It still boggles my mind that his ability to speak was one of the biggest selling points made by the media. So enraptured with his skills at the podium that other speakers paled in comparison.But let the prompter get a line off, or not move at the required speed, and Obama is just a flutter. He stumbles, stammers,slurs and can't pull it together. He visibly shows his anger when those responsible for the handling of the prompter fail to do their job perfectly.

But when he can't make a speech to sixth graders without a teleprompter......what is this world coming to?

I do believe when we go to the polls to elect our next President we should set the bar a little higher and actually expect our President to be more than a speech reader. We need to look for real job skills, real knowledge, real experience, and be more than just someone with a gift of gab. All the speeches in the world aren't going to matter if the person making the speech isn't qualified for the job.

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