Friday, January 22, 2010


As the aid continues to pour into Haiti, the problems are not getting solved fast enough for those who are suffering.With so much damage and so many dead or injured, one begins to wonder just where to begin. Naturally food and water are a vital need, but getting supplies to the people is a daunting task.

Roads are impassable, debris and bodies make just getting through nearly impossible. The tragedy of watching people waiting for first aid and a drink of water makes all of our ridiculous problems pale when compared.I can't get my head around my child being hurt and me not being about to get help for them. The thought makes me sick.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to those effected by this earthquake. If anything good ever comes from a tragedy such as this it is watching nations from all around the world coming together in one common help with whatever needs to be done for the victims. The coming together for a human condition with one goal in mind is the way we should treat each other in a perfect world.

How ironic that the terrorist in the middle east continue to do their holy war, with no mind for the suffering in Haiti. Only their blind rage against anything not Muslim. Yet these same volunteers have rushed to places in the middle east when tragedy occurs. How soon they forget.

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