Thursday, April 15, 2010

A Truly Amazing Man

I don't know how many people are familiar with the name of Herman Cain. I had no idea who this man was until I saw him on Hannity. I saw him again this afternoon on Cavuto. He is a self made millionaire who owns Godfather's Pizza. He spoke of having stage 4 cancer a little over 3 years ago but now he is cancer free. I have never seen so much enthusiasm and a passion for America as this man generated.
He was very outspoken about his love of country and how he had the opportunity to rise to the top because of the belief in America you can do anything with hard work and freedom to create your own place in life. He built a very good business and has put many people to work. He is a DOER not a taker.
Obama is creating a TAKER generation where the work ethic is vanishing in lieu of getting handouts off the backs of hard workers like Herman Cain.
My hat is off to Mr. Cain and the wonderful blessing he is in this country. He is the message that YES YOU CAN if you do it for yourself and don't sit on your laurels while others do the hard hauling. He made himself a millionaire and I really resent that Obama wants to take money from him to pay people who are content to watch Mr. Cain work.

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