Sunday, June 19, 2011

Letter from Campaign for Liberty

The South Carolina Policy Council just released some great research that describes what our state government should look like after the elimination of the Budget and Control Board.

You can read a short summary here, and the full policy paper here.

A couple of weeks ago, on the last day of regular session, your quick calls to your Senator helped get an amendment to the Department of Administration bill, H3066, passed. This amendment was a great step in the right direction.

But, after reading this policy paper, “Restructuring Done Right”, it is apparent that there is still much that needs to be changed in this bill.

The Budget and Control Board (BCB) has been around for 61 years.

We might not have another chance to get this restructuring right for another 61 years.

Let’s don’t settle for half measures that don’t truly create a state government structure that is accountable to the people.

So, what is wrong with H3066 as amended, and what can be done to improve it?

The current bill, as amended, will eliminate the BCB but replace it with the State Financial Affairs Authority. The SFAA, though smaller than the BCB, is still a hybrid five-headed monster…just a smaller one.

The SFAA is really just the Budget and Control Board Lite.

Its structure and responsibility is so similar to the BCB that it’s hard to tell the difference.

It is still managed by the Governor, the State Treasurer, the Comptroller General, one Senator and one Representative.

The SFAA would still be in charge of fiscal oversight, procurement, bond approval, and insurance services.

These areas of government represent billions of dollars for which no branch of government is completely responsible, thus not completely accountable to you.

So, what should be the goal of restructuring government?

It’s not just creating a Department of Administration.

It’s not just eliminating the Budget and Control Board.

It is about putting responsibility and accountability together with the right people in the right branch of government.

It is about not letting either branch pass the buck of responsibility to a Budget and Control Board, or a State Financial Affairs Authority.

It is about direct accountability of the Executive Branch.

It is about direct accountability of the Legislative Branch.

It is about eliminating any “hybrid” organizations controlled by both branches jointly that allows them each to point at the other when it comes time to “buck up” and take responsibility for the hard decisions.

No more extra layers of government that blur accountability.

This is what the Policy Council proposes. All the hybrid functions of the Budget and Control Board must be divided up and reside completely in one branch or the other.

That is the only way that you will be able to hold someone responsible for the tough decisions that affect your life.

So, take a look at the quick fact sheet, and if you are a details person, read the complete research paper.

Then contact your Senator and tell him you want no more hybrids. Tell him you want a real restructuring bill that will implement the reforms outlined by the Policy Council.

Don’t let them tell you that some functions need to be managed by both branches. It just isn’t true.

You can find your Senator and his contact information at this link.

As of this writing, Senator Davis and others are working on an amendment that will implement these policy proposals. As soon as it is available, I’ll get it out to you for your review.

We may not get another chance like this.

Let’s go for the gold!

Let’s make South Carolina an example of accountability!

Thanks for all you do!

Talbert Black Jr.
Interim State Coordinator
Campaign for Liberty

P.S. Remember, we need real substantial government restructuring that puts responsibility and accountability together and eliminates any “hybrid” organizations controlled by both the Legislative and Executive branches of government

Read this short fact sheet by the Policy Council or this more detailed research paper that proposes exactly that.

Then contact your Senator and tell him you want the real reform proposed by the Policy Council. Not the half measures in the current Department of Administration bill.

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