Monday, February 1, 2010

Jet setter Pelosi

It was very enlightening today listening to Rush Limbaugh.The Freedom of Information Act released the travel expenses that Pelosi has racked up since becoming Speaker. Not only does she request a full size Air Force jet (no small corporate jet for this babe), but she uses the planes for her in-laws, children, their spouses and her grandchildren.To top this off, frequently she is not on the plane that her children/spouses/friends are using.

Over the course of 2 years she has run up bills for over $2 million with an additional $100,000.00 plus for food and adult beverages.She argues that she is allowed this expenditure.

What are the chances of this being brought before the Ethics committee? Unlikely since she controls what occurs on the floor of the house. If Nancy doesn't want to hear about it, it never hits the floor.Just like nothing has been done about Jack Murtha, Charlie Rangel, Barney Frank and numerous others who have scandal out the eyes,yet go unpunished. If Nancy doesn't want it.........nothing hits the floor.

It is high time to get this diva out of office.The nitwits in San Fransisco will continue to vote for this nimrod but we need to vote enough Conservatives into office to take the speakership away from her. The only other way to rid of ourselves of this demon is to wear garlic around our necks.

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